Vtec Engineered Veneer

November 7, 2019

Vtec, also known as engineered veneer or reconstituted veneer, is an innovative and cost-effective alternative to traditional wood veneer.

Recon veneer is your answer when total consistency in colors and grain are needed throughout a large volume project. Engineered veneer is real wood that reproduces nature’s rich and beautiful grain patterns with uniformity and consistency on a large scale with very high yields. The result is vast inventories of veneer available with consistent color, grain structure, and pattern that’s not available directly from nature.

With engineered veneer, you can create matching surfaces (such as doors, desks, paneling, and more) in large quantities. This means you can return to us years from now and purchase more material that matches your original purchase.

Our Vtec engineering process offers a unique eco-friendly advantage. With Vtec, exotic patterns (such as ebony or teak) are replicated from fast-growth trees. Therefore, you get the exquisite look of an exotic veneer at a price within your budget. M. Bohlke Corp. offers Vtec in several species, cuts and sizes. Manufactured and certified in accordance with ISO 14001 and is available as FSC® certified in all species. To learn more or to receive samples, please call (513) 682-1460, or email us at sales@mbveneer.com

Bamboo and Vtec

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