Sapele Realtec quarter cut wood veneer heartwood is medium to dark reddish-brown. Straight grained to wavy; fine texture. Consistent fiddleback figure.
Common Uses: Architectural panels, acoustic panels, cabinetry, doors, furniture and millwork, as well as private aircraft and yacht interiors.
Other Name(s): Sometimes also spelled as Sapeli veneer.
The Tree: Grows to heights of 150 feet, with trunk diameters between 4-5 feet.
A Little History: Because Sapele belongs to the same family as true Mahogany, its uses are very similar.
About Sapele Realtec
Sapele Realtec is natural veneer, embossed with figure. Both figure and color remain constant throughout large Realtec sequences. Logs that have the most valued natural figure, fiddleback, are very rare. With Realtec, you can have fiddleback in continuous supply in addition to consistent pricing. Exclusive: We are the only distributor of Realtec in the United States and Canada.
Region: Africa
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