March-April 2021 | Lumber Newsletter

April 15, 2021

Click here to read the March-April Bohlke Lumber Newsletter.

Live Edge Heaven | Jon and Eddie have been working through our extensive inventory, leveling a slab out of each live edge log to highlight grain and color.

Instagram Earth Day Giveaway | Our special Earth Day Live Edge Slab Giveaway is back! Follow @mbohlkecorp on Instagram to try your luck at winning an awesome Mappa Burl slab, handpicked by Jon.

Camphor Burl Slabs | We highlight three incredibly attractive slabs available now, and share workability.

Camphor Burl live edge slab #400214-959019
Available Camphor Burl slab.

Complete Species List | Don’t see a species listed you’re looking for? Please inquire, as we generally have veneer logs to cut into lumber that can be kiln dried on short order.

Follow Jon on Instagram @mbohlkelumber

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