December 2019 | Wood of the Month
Limba Frake is a highly decorative wood veneer.
Limba Frake is indisputably unique from log to log and always exquisite in appearance. Some of our available logs have figure, others exemplify great structure and some have broken stripe.
Colors range from a light yellow-brown to a more golden brown with irregular dark brown or black streaks. Limba Frake has a moderately coarse texture and is highly lustrous. It takes both stains and finishes well.
It is no surprise that this stunning veneer is prized for architectural use, acoustic panels, and musical instrument design, especially electric guitars and drums. Other common applications include high-end custom furniture, millwork and cabinetry, as well as both interior yacht building and aircraft applications.
Our team is confident that one of our available Limba Frake logs will speak to you and your project team. Contact us to learn more about our inventory and how we can help with your next project.